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Each year, AWIC’s research serves as a basis for us and our community partners to identify and prioritize labour market challenges and opportunities in the Algoma District and its surrounding areas.

2024-2025 Reports

Algoma ICT Workforce Survey

Discover the insights from our recent survey in partnership with the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre (SSMIC), conducted in the Algoma District, which involved 59 employers in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector.

Building upon the groundwork laid by previous editions in 2017 and 2021, this follow-up survey delved deep into pivotal workforce dynamics of ICT. Participants engaged in discussions around anticipated job openings, innovative recruitment strategies, and the persistent challenges faced by the industry. Moreover, their invaluable feedback provided illuminating perspectives on candidate qualifications, educational backgrounds, and training initiatives.

2023-2024 Reports

Global Talent – Local Solutions


This report presents a comprehensive overview of immigration to Algoma District (“the District”), encompassing permanent and temporary movements. The data and information herein outline the historical narrative of immigration and highlight key population trends. These trends underscore the significance of prioritizing immigrant attraction and retention as a fundamental strategy for sustaining the community in the Algoma District.

We value your insights! Please take our short survey and share your feedback with us.

In Pursuit of Balance – Fostering a Balanced Work Life


This report unveils critical findings that significantly impact employee job satisfaction and retention. The “Quality of Work Life” concept encompasses diverse elements of an individual’s work experience, ranging from compensation and job security to working conditions, organizational relationships, and the meaningfulness of one’s work. As organizations grapple with workforce shortages, understanding the factors influencing job satisfaction becomes paramount.

We value your insights! Please take our short survey and share your feedback with us.

2024 Dollars and Sense – A guide to employer training credits, incentives, and support

Dollars and Sense serves as a comprehensive guide facilitating employers in effortlessly discovering and accessing a diverse array of incentives and programs. These resources aim to assist employers in mitigating the expenses linked to the recruitment and training of new employees, apprentices, students, and others.

Explore the eligibility criteria for each program and understand how they can be advantageous for you as an employer.

We value your insights! Please take our short survey and share your feedback with us.

2024 Local Labour Market Planning Report (LLMP)- Algoma

The annual report provides a thorough understanding of Algoma’s labour market, encompassing crucial details such as demographics, job postings, occupation and industry data, and Employment Ontario services. Through the integration of statistical data and qualitative feedback from employers, service providers, and various stakeholders, the report establishes a shared knowledge base. This collective information offers a detailed insight into the current dynamics of the labour market and recent developments in local employment.

We value your insights! Please take our short survey and share your feedback with us.

2022-2023 Reports

High School Career Outlook Report

The range of topics covered by the survey, including plans after graduation, career interests, career planning, job skills, and job market knowledge, are all important areas that can provide valuable information to help guide students’ career paths and inform local workforce development initiatives.

By collecting this information, local schools and organizations can tailor their career development programs and services to better meet the needs of students and help them prepare for successful careers in the future. Additionally, the survey results can also provide insights into potential skills gaps and areas where additional training or education may be necessary to meet the demands of the local job market.

Breaking Down Barriers : Identifying barriers to employment for unemployed persons in Algoma

Barriers to employment can take many forms, ranging from systemic discrimination to practical issues like lack of transportation or family responsibilities. For individuals facing these challenges, finding and maintaining employment can be an uphill battle.

In order to address these issues, it’s important to understand the root causes of unemployment and identify the specific barriers that are preventing people from entering or remaining in the workforce. By shining a light on these obstacles, we can work to eliminate them and create a more level playing field for job seekers.

This report offers valuable insights into the factors that contribute to unemployment and provides recommendations for breaking down the barriers that stand in the way of meaningful employment. Ultimately, this work has the potential to benefit both individuals seeking work and employers looking to expand their labour pool, leading to a stronger and more inclusive economy for all.

Algoma’s Healthcare Workforce Report

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the lives of Canadians and the industries in which they work. The healthcare and social assistance sector has been under immense pressure due to increased hospitalizations, the demand for services, and unprecedented job vacancies during the pandemic and the post-pandemic.

This report aims to present the data collected from healthcare employers and organizations across Algoma that highlight the primary workforce issues impacting the sector and identify possible solutions.

This survey is a follow-up to the one conducted for Algoma’s Healthcare Workforce Report published in Spring 2018.

2023 Local Labour Market Planning Report (LLMP)- Algoma

As we reflect on 2022 and our current labour market trends, we are in excess demand, where the economy’s need for labour exceeds its ability to supply it. The unemployment rate in October and December 2022 hit record lows, and while that seems like a good thing, it is not sustainable.

One of the most significant causes of concern for many employers this year was a labour shortage, which made it challenging to maintain existing service levels or operations, let alone expand. Perhaps the most significant long-term impact of the COVID crisis will be the acceleration of trends already affecting Algoma’s labour market. Those being an ageing workforce, technological advancement and the changing nature of employment.

2023 Dollars and Sense – A guide to employer training credits, incentives, and supports

Dollars and Sense is a guide to help employers easily find and access a wide range of incentives and programs to help employers to offset the costs associated with hiring and training new employees, apprentices, students and more—see which programs you’re eligible for and how they can benefit you as an employer.

Help Us Serve You Better

We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.

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