This minor group comprises support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services; and operators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport. They are employed by hotels, conference centres, retail establishments, passenger transport companies and throughout the public and private sectors; as well as by amusement parks, fairs, exhibitions, carnivals, arenas, billiard parlours, bowling alleys, golf courses, ski centres, tennis clubs, campgrounds and other recreational and sports facilities.
Workers in support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services escort guests to their rooms, carry travellers' luggage at airports, in railway stations and aboard ships, clean and maintain public areas and passengers' rooms aboard ships and trains, and set up rooms and associated furnishings, commercial displays, exhibits, equipment and booths in facilities and establishments. They are employed by hotels, conference centres, retail establishments, passenger transport companies and throughout the private and public sectors.
Learn More FollowOperators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport assist patrons, collect tickets and fees and supervise the use of recreational and sports equipment. They are employed by amusement parks, fairs, exhibitions, carnivals, arenas, billiard parlours, bowling alleys, golf courses, ski centres, tennis clubs, campgrounds and other recreational and sports facilities.
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