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Trades helpers and labourers

This minor group comprises trades helpers and labourers, including Construction trades helpers and labourers, and other trades helpers and labourers. They are employed by construction companies; trade and labour contractors; surface mine and quarry operators; and a wide variety of manufacturing, utility and service companies.

75110 · Construction trades helpers and labourers
6 Jobs

Construction trades helpers and labourers assist skilled tradespersons and perform labouring activities at construction sites, in quarries and in surface mines. They are employed by construction companies, trade and labour contractors, and surface mine and quarry operators.

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75119 · Other trades helpers and labourers
0 Jobs

Other trades helpers and labourers assist skilled tradespersons and perform labouring activities in the installation, maintenance and repair of industrial machinery, refrigeration, heating and air conditioning equipment, in the maintenance and repair of transportation and heavy equipment, in the installation and repair of telecommunication and power cables and in other repair and service work settings. They are employed by a wide variety of manufacturing, utility and service companies.

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