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Transport equipment operators, utility maintenance and related workers

This sub-major group comprises transport equipment operators, utility maintenance and related workers, including railway yard and track maintenance workers; water transport deck and engine room crew; air transport ramp attendants; automotive and heavy truck and equipment parts installers and servicers; utility maintenance workers; and public works maintenance equipment operators and related workers.

7420 · Transport equipment operators, utility maintenance and related maintenance workers
1 Job

This minor group comprises transport equipment operators, utility maintenance and related maintenance workers, including railway yard and track maintenance workers; water transport deck and engine room crew; air transport ramp attendants; automotive and heavy truck and equipment parts installers and servicers; utility maintenance workers; and public works maintenance equipment operators and related workers. They are employed by railway and marine transport companies; the federal government; cable ferry companies, ferry terminals, marine companies and canal, port and harbour authorities; airline and air services companies; automobile and truck service and repair shops; service departments of industrial establishments; and construction, mining and logging companies.

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