Service supervisors and specialized service occupations

This major group comprises supervisory occupations in services, and service occupations requiring post-secondary or job specific training courses, or apprenticeship training. It includes service supervisors, chefs, cooks, butchers, bakers and specialized occupations in personal and customer services.

631 · Service supervisors
40 Jobs

This minor group includes executive housekeepers and supervisors in food service, accommodation, travel, tourism, customer and information services, and cleaning and other services. They…

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632 · Chefs and cooks
29 Jobs

This minor group includes chefs and cooks. They are employed by restaurants, hotels, hospitals and other health care institutions, central food commissaries, clubs, educational…

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633 · Butchers and bakers
4 Jobs

This minor group includes bakers and retail and wholesale butchers, meat cutters and fishmongers. They are employed by supermarkets, grocery stores, butcher shops, fish…

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634 · Specialized occupations in personal and customer services
1 Job

This minor group includes hairstylists, barbers, tailors, dressmakers, furriers, milliners, shoe repairers, shoemakers, jewellers, jewellery and watch repairers, upholsterers, funeral directors, embalmers and other…

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