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Technical occupations related to engineering

This sub-major group comprises technical occupations related to engineering, including technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering, as well as technical occupations in electronics and electrical engineering.

2230 · Technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering
2 Jobs

This minor group comprises technical occupations in civil, mechanical and industrial engineering; including civil engineering technologists and technicians; mechanical engineering technologists and technicians; industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians; and construction estimators. They are employed by public works, transportation and other government departments; consulting engineering, insurance, manufacturing, processing and residential, commercial and industrial construction companies; major electrical, mechanical and trade contractors; and in many other industries; or they may be self-employed.

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2231 · Technical occupations in electronics and electrical engineering
0 Jobs

This minor group comprises technical occupations in electronics and electrical engineering, including electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians; electronic service technicians (household and business equipment); industrial instrument technicians and mechanics; and aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors. They are employed by governments; electrical utilities; communications, consulting, pulp and paper processing, nuclear and hydro power generating, mining, petrochemical and natural gas, industrial instrument and other manufacturing companies; manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment; and in a wide range of manufacturing, processing and transportation industries; by industrial instrument servicing, electronic service, and retail establishments; wholesale distributors; aircraft manufacturing, maintenance, repair and overhaul establishments; and by airlines and other aircraft operators.

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