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Computer and information systems professionals

This minor group comprises computer and information systems professionals, including cybersecurity specialists, business systems specialists, information systems specialists, and database analysts and data administrators. They are employed by computer software development and information technology consulting, research and development companies; advertising agencies; and in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors; or they may be self-employed.

21220 · Cybersecurity specialists
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Cybersecurity specialists develop, plan, recommend, implement, improve and monitor security measures to protect an organization's computer networks, connected devices and information to prevent unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of the information or of the systems on which the information resides. They are employed in information technology consulting firms and in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors.

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21221 · Business systems specialists
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Business systems specialists perform detailed system tests, produce reports and develop new system architectures. They must also identify the strategic objectives of a company and translate these objectives into achievable tasks for an organization's information technology department. They are employed in information technology consulting firms and in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors.

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21222 · Information systems specialists
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Information systems specialists analyze, test and assess systems requirements, develop and implement information systems development plans, policies and procedures, and provide advice on a wide range of information systems issues. They are employed in information technology consulting firms and in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors, or they may be self-employed.

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21223 · Database analysts and data administrators
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Database analysts design, develop and administer data management solutions. Data administrators develop and implement data administration policy, standards and models. They are employed in information technology consulting firms and in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors.

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