Career Library

Career Library

Mathematicians, statisticians, actuaries and data scientists

This minor group comprises mathematicians, statisticians, actuaries and data scientists. They are employed by universities, governments, bank and trust companies, insurance companies, pension benefit consulting firms, professional associations, science and engineering consulting firms, information technology consulting firms and in information technology units throughout the public and private sectors.

21210 · Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries
0 Jobs

Mathematicians and statisticians research mathematical or statistical theories, and develop and apply mathematical or statistical techniques for solving problems in such fields as science, engineering, business and social science. Actuaries apply mathematics, statistics, probability and risk theory to assess potential financial impacts of future events. Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries are employed by universities, governments, bank and trust companies, insurance companies, pension benefit consulting firms, professional associations, and science and engineering consulting firms.

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21211 · Data scientists
0 Jobs

Data scientists use advanced analytics technologies, including machine learning and predictive modelling, to support the identification of trends, scrape information from unstructured data sources and provide automated recommendations. They are employed by consulting firms, universities, banks and information technology departments in the public and private sectors.

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