
The following company is not affiliated with Algoma Workforce Investment Corporation (AWIC).

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, The / ONTC

Industry: Passenger rail transportation

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$130m to $640m (CAD)


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For more than 100 years, Ontario Northland has proudly provided reliable and efficient transportation solutions to the residents and businesses of Northern Ontario. Our 750 employees operate out of North Bay, Cochrane, Englehart and many more locations.RAILOntario Northland ships over 35,000 carloads of freight each year for the leading businesses in Northern Ontario. We work with our freight customers to improve logistics, meet deadlines and find transportation solutions. We also operate a passenger train between Moosonee and Cochrane providing reliable and comfortable travel for people travelling to and from the James Bay Coast.REMANUFACTURING AND REPAIROntario Northland refurbishes passenger rail cars, locomotives and other equipment. We extend the life of transportation assets for companies throughout North America and have become the leader in this niche market.ROADScheduled motor coach services provide solutions for passengers travelling to and from Northern Ontario. In addition, we offer cost-effective shipping solutions for businesses and individuals through Bus Parcel Express

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