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Logging, forestry, landscaping and other related labourers

This minor group comprises logging, forestry, landscaping and other related labourers. They are employed by logging, landscaping and grounds maintenance companies and contractors.

85120 · Logging and forestry labourers
0 Jobs

Logging and forestry labourers perform a variety of manual tasks such as attaching choker cables to logs, planting trees, clearing brush, spraying chemicals, cleaning up landing areas and assisting other workers in woodlands operations. They are employed by logging companies and contractors.

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85121 · Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers
2 Jobs

Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers perform work to assist in the construction of landscapes and related structures, and to maintain lawns, gardens, athletic fields, golf courses, cemeteries, parks, landscaped interiors and other landscaped areas. They are employed by landscaping and lawn care companies, golf courses, cemeteries, and landscaping operations of public works departments and private establishments.

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