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Trappers and hunters

National Occupation Code (NOC): 85104

Trappers and hunters trap and hunt wild animals for pelts or live sale. They are usually self-employed and work on a seasonal basis.

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Job Duties for Trappers and hunters

  • Set traps with bait and position traps along trails
  • Operate boats or snowmobiles or travel on foot, snowshoes or skis to patrol trapline or to reach hunting areas
  • Pursue animals by observing and recognizing tracks, trails, animal droppings or broken foliage
  • Remove catch and reset traps and snares
  • Kill and skin catch for pelts, and treat and pack pelts for marketing or for transport to public auctions
  • Kill wild animals using firearms or other weapons
  • Trap live animals for sale to buyers or for relocation purposes
  • Maintain and repair trapping and hunting equipment
  • Maintain trails and access to trapping lines or hunting regions
  • Trap designated animals for bounty or other control programs
  • May train dogs for hunting
  • May monitor animal population in the trapping or hunting regions to ensure future sustainability.

Alternate Job Titles

  • Beaver Trapper
  • Fur Trapper
  • Game Trapper
  • Hunter
  • Land-based Seal Hunter
  • Land-based Sealer
  • Muskrat Trapper
  • Seal Hunter - Hunting And Trapping
  • Sealer
  • Sealer - Hunting And Trapping
  • Trapper

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