North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 711
This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in producing, or organizing and promoting, live presentations that involve the performances of actors and actresses, singers, dancers, musical groups and artists, athletes and other entertainers. This subsector also includes independent (freelance) entertainers and artists and the establishments that manage their careers. The classification recognizes four basic processes: producing events; organizing and promoting events; managing and representing entertainers; and providing the artistic, creative and technical skills necessary for the production of artistic products and live performances. This subsector makes a clear distinction between performing arts companies and performing artists (independents). Although not unique to arts and entertainment, freelancing is a particularly important phenomenon in this subsector; however, it is difficult to implement in the case of musical groups (companies) and artists, especially pop groups. These establishments tend to be more loosely organized and it can be difficult to distinguish companies from freelancers. Therefore, this subsector includes one industry that covers both musical groups and musical artists
This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in producing live presentations that involve the performances of actors and actresses, singers, dancers, musical groups and artists, and other performing artists. Examples of establishments in this industry group are theatre companies, dance companies, musical groups and artists, circuses and ice-skating shows.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises professional, semi-professional, or amateur sports clubs primarily engaged in presenting sporting events before an audience. These establishments may or may not operate the facility for presenting these events. Independent professional, semi-professional or amateur athletes (in their role as athletes), and operators of race tracks are also included.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in organizing and promoting performing arts productions, sports events and similar events, such as festivals. Establishments in this industry group may operate arenas, stadiums, theatres or other related facilities, or they may present these events in facilities operated by others.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in representing or managing creative and performing artists, sports figures, entertainers, and celebrities. These establishments represent their clients in contract negotiations, manage or organize the client's financial affairs, and generally promote the careers of their clients.
Learn More Follow This SectorThis industry group comprises independent individuals (freelance) primarily engaged in performing in artistic productions, creating artistic and cultural works or productions, or providing technical expertise necessary for these productions. Independent celebrities, such as athletes, engaging in endorsement, speaking and similar services, are included.
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