Freight transportation arrangement

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 48851

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in acting as intermediaries between shippers and carriers. These establishments are usually referred to as freight forwarders, marine shipping agents or customs brokers. They may offer a combination of services, which may span transportation modes. This industry also includes establishments primarily engaged in arranging and coordinating the transportation and storage of goods without themselves providing actual transportation and storage services

488511 · Marine shipping agencies
0 Jobs

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in representing shipping lines, arranging for the taking on of cargo and performing other business transactions in port, on behalf of ship owners and charterers.

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488519 · Other freight transportation arrangement
0 Jobs

This Canadian industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other Canadian industry, primarily engaged in acting as intermediaries between shippers and carriers. These establishments are usually referred to as freight forwarders or customs brokers.

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