Non-scheduled air transportation

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 48121

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the non-scheduled air transportation of passengers and/or goods. Establishments in this industry have more flexibility with respect to choice of airports, hours of operation, load factors and similar operational characteristics than do establishments in 4811, Scheduled air transportation. Establishments primarily engaged in providing specialty air transportation or flying services using small, general-purpose aircraft are included

481214 · Non-scheduled chartered air transportation
0 Jobs

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the non-scheduled air transportation of passengers and/or goods by aircraft, at a toll per mile or per hour for the charter of the aircraft.

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481215 · Non-scheduled specialty flying services
0 Jobs

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing a combination of flying services, with no single service predominating. These establishments use small, general-purpose aircraft.

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