Metal ore mining

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 2122

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining metallic minerals (ores). Also included are establishments engaged in ore dressing and beneficiating operations, whether performed at mills operated in conjunction with the mines served or at mills, such as custom mills, operated separately. These include mills that crush, grind, wash, dry, sinter, calcine or leach ore, or perform gravity separation or flotation operations

21221 · Iron ore mining
0 Jobs

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing iron ores, and manganiferous ores valued chiefly for their iron content. Establishments engaged in the production of sinter and other agglomerates, except those associated with blast furnace operations, are included.

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21222 · Gold and silver ore mining
9 Jobs

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing ores valued chiefly for their gold or silver content.

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21223 · Copper, nickel, lead and zinc ore mining
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This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing ores valued chiefly for their copper, nickel, lead or zinc content.

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21229 · Other metal ore mining
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This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in mining, beneficiating or otherwise preparing metallic ores, such as uranium-radium-vanadium ores, molybdenum ores, antimony ores, columbium ores, illmenite ores, magnesium ores, tantalum ores and tungsten ores.

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